19 different styles, 6 different sizes to
choose from, ranging from our compact
Smaller Tilt Trucks
(including 1/3,
5/8 &
1.1 cubic yard sizes) to our
Larger Tilt Trucks
including the 1.7,
2.2 &
cubic yard sizes.)
Seamless heavy-duty bodies molded in polyethylene will not dent,
chip, corrode or absorb moisture. Bodies are mounted on all
welded steel chassis (except 1/3 CU-L) for superior durability.
We use high-quality wheels and casters for dependable service
and easy mobility. Our trucks have inset wheels, allowing the
units to nest which helps to reduce shipping and storage costs
while also protecting walls and door frames from accidental
impact with wheels. Bodies are available in eight different
colors for no extra charge. (Standard colors include gray, blue,
red, green, yellow, orange, black & natural. Custom and
FDA-approved colors available at additional cost.)
Stainless steel frames also available at additional cost.
options include hinged lids for all sizes, fork pockets to allow
movement by forklift and tow bars and hooks
for pulling multiple units. (As shown below -
click Tilt Truck
Options or the pictures below for more