Our Hinged Lids are available for all sizes and
also fit our Self-Dumping Hoppers. The lids may be flipped in
both directions, or totally removed.
5/8 LID (1/3
LID similar)
1.1 LID
1.7 LID
2.2 LID
(3.0 LID similar)
Our Tilt Trucks can be modified to allow movement via forklift with
our Fork Pockets. 5/8 cubic yard through our 3.0 cubic yard can be
(Fork Tubes are also available - they are steel tubes that extend
the length of the underside of the tilt truck. They allow
dumping using a rotating forklift. Please contact us for more
Steel towbars allow trucks to be towed behind tuggers or forklifts.
Multiple units can be hooked together for towing.
Other options include
stenciling, drains, stainless steel frames, pneumatic wheels &
casters, locking casters, frame & body modifications to address
unique customer specifications.
The 5/8 and 1.1 cubic yard trucks can be modified to work with the
Bayne hydraulic dumper. Please
contact us
for more information. 5/8